
____Staff Photo: Robert L. Azmitia_____ 2/18/04, West Palm Beach, –(Nguzo18a)–One of South Florida’s few afro-centric public schools, the Joseph Littles Nguzo Saba Charter school is now getting bad press. The school just got a bad evaluation from the district about poor academics and uncertified teachers, etc. The founder and principal Amefika Geuka (cq) said the school just received money in federal grants to tell their story. The story will be in the form of a video using, dance, prose, and poetry. Photo is of founder/principal Amefika Geuka as he visits a kindergarden class.

Born:  Belle Glade, Florida

Raised:  Utica, New York

Resides:  West Palm Beach, Florida

Occupation:  Retired African-Centered Educator

Married:  Felisa Geuka

Father:  Two (2) Sons; Two (2) Daughters

Grandfather:  Eight (8) Granddaughters; Three (3) Grandsons

Great-Grandfather:  Two (2) Boys; Two (2) Girls

Amefika “Baba” Geuka most recently gained acclaim in 2009 when he completed a 1,069-mile walkathon from the site of the charter school he founded, Joseph Littles-NGUZO SABA Charter School (JL-NSCS) in West Palm Beach, to Washington, DC. The purpose of his historic walk was to dramatize the urgent need for African-Centered Education for children of African descent. Additionally, the trek was intended to raise much-needed money to close a persistent funding gap at JL-NSCS. He departed West Palm Beach on Wednesday, July 15th at 9:00 AM, and arrived in DC on Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 11:30 AM.

Geuka and his associates were awarded the charter for JL-NSCS on December 8, 1998, and started operations on January 20, 1999 in temporary space courtesy of the Urban League of Palm Beach County. The school was in continuous operation through June 2014, with Baba Geuka serving as Headmaster until his retirement in July 2006. He subsequently served as Board Chairman.

The decision to pursue a charter to operate a public school was inspired in part by Baba Geuka’s having attended the Million Man March (MMM) convened by Minister Louis Farrakhan in Washington, DC on October 16, 1995. He spearheaded a local follow-up to the MMM named the “Family Pilgrimage in Palm Beach County.” An avowed Black Nationalist and Pan-Africanist of the Marcus Garvey persuasion, Geuka has been active in the Black Liberation Movement since his mid-teens. Along the way, he was active in the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE); established the Center for Black Awareness in Utica, New York; co-founded the Marcus Garvey Memorial Black Solidarity Committee; and established the Pan-African Cultural Exposition (PACE), an annual cultural event held in Rochester, New York.

He later founded the GoldenRule Housing & Community Development Corporation, a community-based organization that built affordable housing for low and moderate-income families in Sanford, Florida. His success with that program led to him being asked to serve as Executive Director of the newly-formed “Neighborhood Development Initiative” (NDI), a similar but larger low-income housing program serving six (6) municipalities in Palm Beach County, Florida.

In August 2006, Baba Geuka, his wife Felisa, and their youngest son, Diriki, traveled to Egypt and Ghana. Upon his return, he authored a book about the experience titled: “Reflections on My Pilgrimage,” described by his publisher as “…the most truthful account of one man’s pilgrimage to Africa.”

After writing his first book, Amefika collaborated with his friend, Professor James ‘Jim’ Clingman, to organize a gathering of Black self-determinists from throughout the United States which was held at Cincinnati State College on December 9, 2006. Those assembled there resolved that Blacks in America needed a national “Black Nationalist” organization to serve as a vanguard for their peoples’ movement towards self-reliance. The movement to bring those aspirations to fruition was dubbed the “Movement to Bring Back Black” or “BBB.” That movement subsequently gave birth to an organization named the NATIONALIST Black Leadership Coalition (NBLC). The convention for that purpose was held in Kernersville, North Carolina on October 13, 2007. Four chapters of the NBLC were established thereafter: in Detroit (the “Flagship” Chapter); Cincinnati, Ohio; Columbus, Ohio; and Palm Beach County, Florida.

In concert with his colleague, Roger “The iZania-Man” Madison of Columbus, Ohio, Baba Geuka has promoted the establishment of a national association of African-centered education initiatives. Currently, upwards of forty (40) such initiatives have been identified and included in a repository courtesy of Baba Madison in “iZania” web magazine.

Baba Geuka launched a productive and successful public speaking career on November 20, 2009 when he was a keynote speaker at the annual ComproTax Convention in Beaumont, Texas. He is currently one of the more popular guests on numerous “conscious” Black Internet radio programs, and hopes to continue to expand his reach and influence to land-based broadcast outlets as well. His next book, “Building Bridges Over Troubled Waters,” will be available in the Spring of 2019.

To book Baba Geuka for speaking engagements, contact Roger Madison at, or call 561-228-1120.


  1. This may just be the man and his message, the voice that could reignite a passion for “real” change in the minds and conditions of black people here in America. While listening to Bro. Amefika for the first time this morning I was so moved by the sincerity in his discussion I felt the need to reach out to him immediately. After speaking with him I also understand why the mainstream media does not want this man to be heard. If you are tired of the silent minority, that being the “so-called” black leadership that have done nothing meaningful to advance our cause or the multi-million dollar slaves in sports and entertainment who have sold their souls for personal gain don’t you think it’s time for a wakeup call? I haven’t been this inspired since my attendance of the 1995 Million Man March. Thank you Brother Amefika.

    1. I read your comment and felt that you spoke very beautifully about this person and in my heart I can say that the struggle is real. Good comments. I love a man with a message and the purpose is so human. Thanks, for it touch my heart, His purpose and your message. We should all get the message. For real.

  2. Greetings Bro. Amefika,

    I met you last March whilst attending the Us Lifting Us Cooperative Economics Ujamaa Power Summit held in Atlanta. You were the keynote speaker.

    I need your wise guidance on how I can motivate our people, if not all–perhaps some or a few, on the little island of Bermuda towards achieving us-determination. Please e-mail me if you can assist. Upon receipt of your response(s) I will be happy to explain my thoughts/desires/vision more succinctly.

    I am most appreciative for your time, attention and assistance.


    Sis. Peggy Burns (aka Nana Peggy)
    E-mail: [email protected]

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